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Home > Green Initiatives


  • Plantation Drive
  • Total Solid Waste Management
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Grey water treatment System


The plantation drive was conducted by IIEM between June to August 2017 under Green Initiatives by involving students of different academic programs of institute, NSS students of sister institutions, management council members of SIES and Head of institutions of SIES Nerul Campus.

The initiative was supported by Mumbai Waste Management Ltd. by providing 3000 saplings. Total 3,200 tree saplings of tree species viz. Banyan, bamboo, jamun, karanj, gulmohar, mango, champa etc. were planted in 5 rounds at SIES Nerul campus as well as other places at Panvel and Kharghar.

The plantation drive was initiated on 10th June 2017 at SIES, Nerul Campus. In that, Dr. Subhajit Mukherjee, Mission Green Mumbai participated and encouraged participants to not only plant trees but adopt one. The second round of plantation drive was conducted on 14th July 2017 at SIES Nerul campus in which management council member, head of SIES institutions, faculties and staff of different departments have participated. The third round of plantation was conducted on 15th July 2017 at Shantivan Ashram, Panvel with active participation of Principal, faculties, NSS coordinators and students of SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul.

On 23rd July 2017 the fourth round of plantation drive was conducted at SEAL Ashram, Panvel. In that students of Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Pollution Control Technology of our institute have actively participated. The fifth and final round of plantation was on 2nd August 2017 at Kharghar Hills with active participation of Principal, NSS coordinators and 200 NSS students’ volunteers of SIES Arts Science and Commerce College, Nerul. Local tribal residents of Kharghar Hills were actively involved in the plantation. The Forest officials and local Corporation representatives also supported the event.


SIES has always supported Sustainable Environment Management through its educational programme. The aim of total solid waste management is to

  • Promote zero waste disposals to municipality solid waste disposal site.
  • Promote 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Regenerate)
  • Maximise use of waste materials and manage residuals appropriately (composting)
  • Prevent organics/ biodegradable items from going in the garbage
  • Training to stakeholders (hospitality staff, canteen staff, seniors home, pantry staff, temple staff, NSS coordinators, faculty and student)
  • Display of posters and stickers on bins

Training Programme on Total Solid Waste Management

Training Program on ‘Total Solid Waste Management of SIES Nerul Campus’ was conducted on 6th March 2018 by SIES Indian Institute of Environment Management as a Green initiative for Swachchta Ranking. Training was imparted to SIES Nerul staff from housekeeping, canteen, senior’s home pantry, temple, PNS staff, security guards, students and faculties to sensitize on the importance of solid waste management. Total 92 participants participated in the training program. In this training program M.Sc. (SDEM) students actively participated in imparting training to the participants in Marathi as well as English language.

The effect of training on the improvement of knowledge on total solid waste management was assessed through questionnaires before and after the conduction of the training program. Pre- and post-knowledge questionnaires were filled by all the stakeholders. After the training program, participants were taken for site visit to the compost pit of SIES Nerul Campus. They were explained about the importance of waste segregation at source. Locations of dustbins in the entire campus was also shown to them with detailed explanation of dry and wet waste.

Pre- and post-knowledge questionnaires were validated to identify the missing data and then coded for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Out of the total registrations, 14 questionnaires (in English) were selected from teaching staff and 26 questionnaires (in Marathi) were selected from non-teaching staff for analysis and validation of questionnaires. Knowledge assessment of respondents on Total Solid Waste Management of SIES Nerul Campus was performed and improvement in knowledge level was observed with the training programme.

To assess knowledge on hierarchy of three R’s it was observed that only 28.4% of the people were aware about the correct hierarchy of R’s (Reduce, reuse, recycle) for solid waste management. After the training program 64% of the people became aware about the correct hierarchy of three R’s. About 93% of the respondents became aware about E-waste after the training program. Significant difference in the knowledge was observed before and after the training program about the segregation of dry and wet waste. Segregation of waste at source was given emphasis during the training program. After the training program, respondent could segregate dry waste and wet waste from the given list.

Overall, the training has been observed to be effective in knowledge improvement and similar awareness programme among all the stakeholders in a scientific and technical way is required to be conducted on regular basis. Networking of various departments of the institution for spreading awareness is required.

Training Program by Trained Students
Housekeeping staff filling up the Pre- knowledge questionnaire


The institute has constructed of rainwater harvesting system at Nerul Campus to recharge the borewells and augment the NMMC water supply. The rainwater harvesting system is a ring well of 14 fee depath with capacity to provide 7000L of water/day. Currently water is used for cleaning and gardening.


The institute has initiated greywater treatment system to treat waste water arising from kitchen of Senior’s home facility and college canteen to augment NMMC water supply. The total potential of waste water treatment and reuse is evaluated.

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