Workshops cum Training Programmes on Drinking Water Quality and Mapping under NRDMS, Department of Science and Technology sponsored Project
Workshop cum training programmeunder NRDMS, DST sponsored project entitled "Addressing Drinking Water Issues in Slums in Greater Mumbai and its mapping using GIS was organized was organized for tow times. The details are as below:
Sr. no. | Details of Workshops
Topics Covered
No. and details of Participants
Workshop No. 1 |
Drinking water quality parameters, methods for storage, disinfection techniques, mapping of water quality parameters.
75; MCGM ward officers, local NGOs etc.
Workshop No. 2 |
Drinking water supply and management in MCGM, water quality parameters in different wards of MCGM, low cost water purification technologies, management of sullage and ground water recharging techniques
45 officials of different wards of MCGM from water supply, ground water and insecticide departments, Participants from NGOs etc. |
Participants in Workshop cum Training Programme on Drinking Water Management and Mapping for Management under NRDMS, DST project on 24th January, 2019